2009年6月18日 星期四

18 Jun 09 / Time : Freeze the Fluidness

《 Time : Freeze the Fluidness》(時間 : 凝結流動)
 2008 - 2009
 Duration : 3weeks

Full Artist Statement(Bilingual):

中國國畫之所以迷人,在於其意境。 透過純熟地運用謝赫六法之技巧,把當中的「詩意」經「紙-筆-墨」的組合呈現。


而「墨」的揮灑,有著無限的可能性。 濕的、乾的、濃的、淡的、狂野的、精細的,透過與「水」交疊磨合而成。 這情況如同作畫寫詩時必經的「洗筆」過程───在「水」的帶動下,「墨」的枝抓不斷地逢生擴展,時而細密時而迷霧,自由地展現了其無限的可能性───但此情況卻是作者、觀者平時甚少關注。

Chinese Art:
The glamor of traditional Chinese painting is its vitality, in which poetry is shown through the presentation of Xie He - Six principles of Chinese painting. (謝赫六法)

In order to freeze the ink in its 3D form, agar-cakes (大菜糕) were used. This freezes the ink and halts it, creating a different and imaginative perception of ink.

The injection of ink create infinite possibilities, including the effects of wet、dry、thick、thin、wild and exquisite. The operation is so much like the process of the “washing-brush”: with the movement of “water”, the ink will spread, causing the amazing impression.

「大菜糕」的特質恰好能拓展此作品的可觀度───「時間」的痕跡──-亦是當中重要的主角。 藉著不同的「時間」的控制,「墨畫」的外表甚至質感亦大不相同,有的像枝節、有的像迷霧、有的黑白分明、有的朦朧混濁……

其意象感覺及理念就如中國國畫當中的「意筆畫」,伸延至當代的「新水墨」。 以上亦說明了「時間」是國畫、甚至藝術作品的重要本質及題材。 順著時候流逝,作品當中的「墨畫」亦會漸漸自我失真變形,這是一份不能恆久保存的藝術作品。

The feature of the agar cake provides an impressive perspective, which brings out the main idea of the artwork - Tracing of “Time”. With the different control of time, the appearance or even the texture of the ink is different, such as the textures of tree branches and dense fogs; some are clearly seen in black and white, but others are hazy and murky.

The concept of the work came from Chinese “Xieyi” painting or contemporary New Ink Art in which “Time” is interpreted as the most significant essence and topic of Chinese painting. Time pass with the deforming images of the ink painting, this is not a permanent piece of art work.



Feel the invisible visuals.
